Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mudslide Article

What happened?
There was a mudslide on the side of a road.

Where did it happened?
It happened in Kentucky.

Why did it happen?
They believe that it happened because someone cut up the road near the hill and destabilized the hillside. The mudslides happens a day or day and a half after a hard rain. So far it has happened 4 times around the same area.

Who it affected and how?
It affected all the people in that town that want to get somewhere using the road that is now blocked off because of the mudslide.

What is the estimated cost of the damage?
The estimated cost of the damage is, "it is no going to be cheap." Said Bryant, who oversees the county's Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program.

Shannon, Ronica. " Four mudslides in same location in past two years » Local News » The Richmond Register ."Homepage » The Richmond Register . N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. <http://richmondregister.com/localnews/x1303518489/Four-mudslides-in-same-location-in-past-two-years>.

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